

Pingdingshan Dongfang Carbon Co., Ltd. celebrates the International Labor Day and Commendation Conference on May Day


Release time:2024-05-04 19:24

On April 24, 2024, on the occasion of the "May Day" International Labor Day, Pingdingshan Dongfang Carbon Co., Ltd. celebrated the "International May Day" and held a grand commendation meeting! Chairman Yang Suiyun, Secretary of the Party Branch and Administrative Director Zhang Qiumin, Executive Director and General Manager of Xinxin Carbon Chen Guozheng, General Manager Yang Xiaopeng, Deputy General Manager Qin Changqing, Deputy General Manager Zhang Mengnan and other company leaders attended. The selected outstanding employees, advanced collectives, excellent managers and the company's middle level participated in the conference. The conference was presided over by General Manager Yang Xiaopeng.

The conference awarded 22 comrades including Chen Tingwei and Wang Hongqiang the honorary title of "Outstanding Employees", awarded the R&D Department and the Finance Department as "Advanced Collectives", and awarded 8 comrades including Xu Xianghong and Shen Zhan as excellent managers.









With the sound of festive and cheerful music, the award-winning outstanding employees, collective representatives and outstanding managers took the stage to receive the awards in turn and accept the company's commendation. The leaders at the meeting presented honorary certificates to the winning representatives and shook hands with them cordially to congratulate them. The audience burst into warm applause.

Zhang Qiumin, secretary of the Party branch and director of administration, pointed out that today's commendation meeting is to commend a group of advanced models who are unknown and work diligently in daily production and operation. By commending the advanced, we will encourage all employees to actively participate in the work enthusiasm of the company's construction, and further create a good environment of "respect for labor and creation". It is hoped that the commended outstanding employees will cherish the honor, guard against arrogance and rashness, make persistent efforts, and make new contributions to the development and innovation of Dongfang Carbon. I hope that all employees can learn from them, fulfill their duties, forge ahead, and work together to create a better tomorrow for Oriental Carbon. At the same time, it also advocates and encourages the majority of employees to maintain advanced, actively move closer to the party organization, and bravely shoulder the historical mission entrusted by the times.

Chairman Yang Suiyun pointed out that in the past 18 years, the factory has grown step by step from a small factory to the listing of the Beijing Stock Exchange last year and the construction of the second phase of the project. Demonstrate and lead the role to promote the sustainable and high-quality development of Dongfang Carbon.

The meeting was presided over by General Manager Yang Xiaopeng, and the meeting concluded that the outstanding employees, advanced collectives and outstanding managers who won the awards again congratulated the company's management for a long time about the majority of front-line employees, and at the same time paid attention to the cultivation of innovation-driven talents Under the guidance of the board of directors, we will work together to make the "giant ship" of Oriental Carbon move towards the deep blue and challenge higher goals!


Pingdingshan Oriental Carbon Co., Ltd

April 24, 2024

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